The Patient Safety Movement’s goal ZERO preventable deaths by 2020

patient safety movement pledge

There are still gaps in the continuity of care but the Patient Safety Movement is making progress. A report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality stated that an estimated 1.3 million fewer patients were harmed in U.S. hospitals between 2010 and 2013, and that an estimate of 34,530 deaths were prevented in 2013. This resulted in a cumulative cost savings during the period analyzed as being approximately $12 billion.

As inspiring as this news is the improvement falls short of the goals set which aimed to reduce preventable hospital-acquired conditions by 40% by the end of 2014. Hitting that mark would mean 1.8 million fewer harms, 60,000 fewer deaths and savings of as much as $35 billion.

 Now two years later, the Patient Safety Movement believes, more than ever, that the elimination of preventable deaths is an obtainable goal if hospitals, medical technology companies, clinicians, and the government share data that can identify at-risk patients. By providing specific actionable solutions, healthcare professionals can identify and meet the challenges, as well as, promote patient dignity, and empower providers.

Janet Dillione, CEO of Bernoulli has pledged Bernoulli Health to this goal. By taking this pledge, Bernoulli and 61 other companies are working towards making a difference  to help reverse the tide of preventable patient deaths.

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