Bernoulli Sponsored Webinar: Can Real-Time Data Impact Improved Patient Outcomes?

Speaker: John Zaleski, PhD, CAP, CPHIMS

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017  1:00 pm EST / 10:00 am PST

nurse with elderly patient.Early intervention in patient decompensation can mean the difference between life and death. Yet, early intervention is dependent on the timeliness of the information available for frontline clinicians. Two areas where this can be demonstrated are in the surgical intensive care unit as pertains to monitoring patients on mechanical ventilation, and patients at risk for opioid-induced respiratory depression. This webinar will illustrate via two case studies the effects of real-time data on intervention and outcomes for critically ill patients.

Applying real-time data to support the care, diagnosis, intervention & management of patients can have a dramatic effect on patient safety and outcomes, variation of practice, the identification of adverse events, the validation of practice guidelines, and innovative research.

This webinar will focus on the impact of real-time data by presenting two use cases. The first case involves a patient who has received coronary artery bypass grafts and is being managed on mechanical ventilation. The webinar will follow the patient through the ICU to illustrate the real-time data available from mechanical ventilators and multi-parameter monitors that can be used to guide management of the patient. In the second use case, the webinar will walk through the management of a patient at-risk for OIRD to illustrate how continuous monitoring can reveal adverse events leading to earlier intervention.

This webinar will:
  • Identify examples of medical device data that can be extracted from certain types of medical devices and how they can be used for patient care management.
  • Summarize examples of which measurements from mechanical ventilators can be communicated to the electronic health record system.
  • List specific transitions in postoperative weaning and which types of measurements can be obtained for diagnosis and clinical decision making.
  • Describe the types of measurements that can be obtained on patients in general care floors and their significance in monitoring sleep apnea.

Continuing education:

  • This program has been approved for 1 CRCE Contact Hour by the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC).
  • This Program Has Been Approved by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) for 1.00 CERP, Synergy CERP Category A, File Number 21511. (AACN Logo does not promote endorsement for this company’s product.)