Jeanne Venella featured on RN FM radio

203 Episode of RN FM Radio,

The Alarming Truth at the Bedside of Nursing with Jeanne Venella, DNP, Chief Nursing Officer of Milford, CT-based Bernoulli,

is an informative, funny, personable,and extensive discussion of the issue of alarm fatigue, the risk for patients, the process and governance needed to address it and the capabilities of Bernoulli One to not just manage alarms but actually reduce them.  The best part of the interview is probably when one of the nurse hosts mentioned that by 2020, hopefully all nurses/hospitals will have Bernoulli in place to ease their alarm woes

RN FM Radio The 55-minute broadcast RN FM Radio can be heard here: – this page also features a full-length article, as well as links to resources on the Bernoulli website and social media.

The May issue of DOTmed HealthCare Business News has TWO Bernoulli articles

DOTmed HealthCare Business News is THE source for busy medical professionals looking to improve the health of their bottom line.  DOTmed HeathCare Business News is sent monthly to over 31,000 influential medical executives.

Screen shot 2016-05-03 at 9.18.16 AMThe May issue of DOTmed HealthCare Business News has TWO Bernoulli articles:

1)      The need to leverage enterprise medical device integration” by John Zaleski on page 32

2)      Why it is time for an immediate hospital alarm intervention” by Jeanne Venella on page 69

DOTmed HealthCare Business News is THE source for busy medical professionals looking to improve the health of their bottom line.  DOTmed HeathCare Business News is sent monthly to over 31,000 influential medical executives.

About the authors:

John Zaleski, Ph.D., CPHIMS, is executive vice president and chief informatics officer of Bernoulli, a leader in real-time connected health care. Dr. Zaleski brings more than 25 years of experience in researching and ushering to market devices and products to improve healthcare. He received his PhD. from the University of Pennsylvania, with a dissertation that describes a novel ap­proach for modeling and prediction of postoperative respiratory behavior in post-surgical cardiac patients. Dr. Zaleski has a particular expertise in designing, developing and implementing clinical and non-clinical point-of­ care applications for hospital enterprises. Dr. Zaleski is the named inventor or co-inventor on seven issued patents related to medical device interoperability.

Jeanne Venella is chief nursing officer at Bernoulli, and has spent her career transforming nursing care and improving processes. In combi­nation with her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, Venella brings both day-to-day op­erational experience and classroom theory to Bernoulli clients. Her areas of expertise include adult and pediatric emergency nursing, organizational throughput, patient flow and efficiency, process improvement change management departmental de­ signs, redesigns, and physical plant layouts.

Please see the attached DOTmed HCBN Bernoulli articles 2016-05 pdf; the online version of the magazine is also available here:

Visit Bernoulli at Booth 436 during AAMI 2016 Conference & Expo

Bernoulli will be exhibiting at Booth #436 during the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) 2016 Conference & Expo, June 3-6, 2016, in Tampa, FL.

The Bernoulli team will be demonstrating patient surveillance capabilities and its unique clinical alarm solution, which leverages baseline alarm evaluations and smart alarm capabilities to reduce, rather than merely manage, clinical alarms. Bernoulli will also feature its next-level medical device integration capabilities, which supports advanced direct-to-device connectivity for EHR integration and real-time predictive analytics. Bernoulli is a sponsoring partner of the AAMI Foundation’s Coalition for Alarm Management Safety and the Coalition to Promote Continuous Monitoring for Patients on Opioids.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us today to schedule a meeting.

Bernoulli to Present Poster on Alarm Reduction at National Patient Safety Foundation

Bernoulli to Present Poster on Alarm Reduction at National Patient Safety Foundation

Jeanne Venella, DNP, MS, RN, CEN, CPEN, Chief Nursing Officer at Bernoulli will present a poster on alarm reduction, during the 18th Annual NPSF Patient Safety Congress, May 23-26, 2016, in Scottsdale, AZ. The poster is based on a paper Dr. Venella co-authored on selectively delaying alarm notifications to reduce clinician alarm fatigue for patients receiving patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). The poster will be on display in the Learning & Simulation Center/Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, May 24. The poster is based on a forthcoming paper co-authored by Dr. Venella, Dr. John Zaleski, Chief Informatics Officer, Bernoulli, and Dr. Leah Baron, Chair Department of Anesthesiology, Virtua Memorial Hospital.

Interested in learning more about Bernoulli’s alarm reduction and management capabilities? Please contact us today to schedule a meeting.

Bernoulli Sponsored Webinar: The Threat of Alarm Fatigue on Patient Safety

Webinar: The Threat of Alarm Fatigue on Patient Safety

It is well documented in the literature that the overwhelming majority of clinical alarms, upwards to 85-90% tolerated by nurses, respiratory therapists and other caregivers are either false alarms or non-actionable – requiring no clinical intervention – leading to alarm fatigue and desensitization that can result from caregivers responding to hundreds or even thousands of alarms every day. Both ECRI Institute and The Joint Commission (TJC) have noted this is a clear and documented threat to patient safety.

Join Bernoulli, a leader in real-time connected healthcare, on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 1:00 PM (Eastern Time) for an informative webinar on the impact of alarm fatigue on your clinicians and patients; the causes of nuisance alarms; and evidence-based best practices for clinical alarm management and reduction.

The webinar will be co-hosted by Jeanne Venella, DNP, MS, RN, CEN, CPEN, Chief Nursing Officer at Bernoulli, and Connie Dills, MBA, RRT, RPFT, Respiratory Practice Manager at the Hospital for Special Care, New Britain, CT.

Register for this event today!

AACN’s 2016 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition

Visit Bernoulli at Booth 3843 during AACN’s 2016 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition

Bernoulli will be exhibiting at Booth #3843 during the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses’ 2016 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition (NTI), May 16-19, 2016, in New Orleans.

The Bernoulli team will be demonstrating patient surveillance capabilities and its unique clinical alarm solution, which leverages baseline alarm evaluations and smart alarm capabilities to reduce, rather than merely manage, clinical alarms. Bernoulli will also feature its next-level medical device integration capabilities, which supports advanced direct-to-device connectivity for EHR integration and real-time predictive analytics.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us today to schedule a meeting

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Research Report on Bernoulli

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Research Report

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Research Report

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Research Report covers the following:

  • Background and Company Performance

  • Industry Challenges

  • Product Family Attributes and Business Impact

  • Significance of Product Leadership

  • Understanding Product Leadership

  • Key Benchmarking Criteria

  • Best Practice Award Analysis for Bernoulli

  • Decision Support Scorecard

  • Product Family Attributes

  • Business Impact

  • Decision Support Matrix

  • The Intersection between 360-Degree Research and Best Practices Awards

  • Research Methodology

  • Best Practices Recognition: 10 Steps to Researching, Identifying, and Recognizing Best


Frost and Sullivan’s extensive research estimates that the average acute-care hospital deploys more than 600 medical devices for patient monitoring. There is an increasing demand from healthcare providers for connecting medical devices to their electronic health record (EHR) capture patient information to generate actionable clinical insights to support better patient outcomes.

According to the report:

Frost and Sullivan’s extensive research confirms that Bernoulli’s clients have witnessed improvements in their operational efficiency standards in the area of high acuity care as a result of Bernoulli’s integrated connectivity product suite. The Bernoulli One  platform offers robust clinical connectivity solutions, for administering the quality care and enabling better patient outcomes. Furthermore, its Virtual ICU solution with remote monitoring capabilities for real-time centralized surveillance of acute care patients offers flexibility to overcome critical challenges, improving patient safety and operational excellence.

Click here to read the full Frost and Sullivan Best Practices Research Report on Bernoulli

Bernoulli has earned Frost & Sullivan 2016 Product Leadership Award

Frost & Sullivan Applauds Bernoulli for Its Market-Leading Clinical Platform Enabling Secure, End-To-End Medical Device Connectivity

Bernoulli One™ offers unparalleled medical device integration for clinical surveillance, virtual ICU, alarm management, predictive analytics, and robust distribution capabilities

Bernoulli has earned Frost & Sullivan 2016 Product Leadership Award.

Frost & Sullivan recognizes Bernoulli with the 2016 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Leadership. The Bernoulli One™ platform for secure, end-to-end medical device connectivity, which facilitates efficient handling of patient-generated data from disparate sources, is proving to be disruptive in the market. Having correctly identified the key complexities experienced by clinicians, Bernoulli’s unique clinical platform and product portfolio focus on addressing the future needs of the medical device connectivity, clinical surveillance, and real-time patient care analytics segments.

“A comprehensive single clinical connectivity platform with multiple real-time applications for hospitals and health systems ensures tremendous flexibility among Bernoulli’s users,” said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Dinesh Kumar. “Healthcare providers that have deployed Bernoulli’s enterprise connectivity solutions find them simple to use in both high- and low-acuity settings, as they offer a large set of validated device driver libraries for existing devices, and integrate seamlessly with hospital information technology [IT] systems. This makes them much more versatile than the traditional solutions available in the market.”

To read the  Frost & Sullivan Bernoulli Award Press Release click here. 

To Read the Frost and Sullivan 2016 Award Report click here.

Middleware Matters published in March issue of For the Record

A new article entitled “Middleware Matters” Bernoulli Chief Informatics Officer John Zaleski, PhD, CAP CPHIMS was published in the March 2016 issue of For the Record.

Absent universal device standardization, hospitals require middleware. However, critical distinctions will define how those data can be used.

According to John Zaleski –  MDDS middleware will continue to be necessary to pull data from certain classes of medical devices using the vendor’s specification, then translate and communicate them to an EHR, data warehouse, or other information system to support use cases such as clinical charting, clinical decision support, and research. To read the full article online here:

For more than a quarter-century, For The Record magazine has been a leading independent resource for industry news and information for Healthcare Information Management (HIM) professionals. For The Record has earned the respect and loyalty of professionals for their in-depth reporting on relevant and timely subjects, including coding, transcription, clinical documentation, EMRs/EHRs, technological innovations, and compliance and privacy concerns.  For the Record has more than 35,000 subscribers.

You can read the full article online here: This link will take you off site.

Alarm management in a long-term care environment by Connie Dills, Respiratory Practice Manager for HSC and Bernoulli CNO Jeanne Venella

“Alarm management in a long-term care environment” by Connie Dills, Respiratory Practice Manager for the Hospital for Special Care (HSC) and Bernoulli CNO Jeanne Venella published in McKnight’s.

Whether it’s in a hospital or nursing home, alarm proliferation is a well-documented patient safety threat that also disrupts workflow and quality of patient care.  Read how HSC was able to reduce alarms by an estimated 80% on 100-plus ventilators. We achieved real-time surveillance of patients on ventilation support, and complied with the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goal of mandating that hospitals take definitive steps to implement policies and procedures to safely reduce and prioritize clinical alarms.  Please click to read more: McKnights – Alarm Mgmt in LTAC – Dills Venella – Feb 2106. This link will open another window.