
Creating the Foundation for Real-Time Healthcare

The successful implementation of patient monitoring initiatives that improve patient safety has long been a goal of healthcare leaders across the country. Unfortunately, parsing notifications from individual medical devices, reliance on physical spot checks of patients, and the lack of rules-based analytics to assess a patient’s current condition in real-time or identify signs of deterioration puts that achievement out of reach for many hospitals and health systems.

It’s Not Adding Up: How Interval Monitoring Creates Gaps in the Sepsis Storyline

Interval monitoring is like watching a movie where every few minutes the film suddenly cuts to a new scene that picks up the story at a later point in time. An eagle-eyed viewer may be able to fill in the blanks, but critical plot points may have been lost due to those abrupt edits.

Bernoulli to Host Focus Group at CHIME16 Fall CIO Forum


MILFORD, CT—November 1, 2016 – Analysts have stressed the importance of hospitals providing the right information, at the right time, in the right format and to the right audience to enable value-based care. Achieving real-time healthcare will require new IT capabilities, organizational adaptation and clinician acceptance of new tools.

At the CHIME16 Fall CIO Forum in Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 1-4, Bernoulli, the leader in vendor-neutral, real-time device connectivity, clinical surveillance monitoring and advanced alarm management will host a focus group session on the opportunities and challenges of enabling real-time healthcare to improve clinical outcomes, reduce care costs and increase patient satisfaction.

“The development of mobile workflows, adoption of predictive analytics, and technology acceptance by the medical staff are examples of the challenges and opportunities health IT leaders will face,” said Bernoulli CEO Janet Dillione. “This unique setting allows us to engage with IT leaders on the frontlines, hear how they are approaching and adapting to healthcare’s rapidly changing landscape, and learn the real costs and considerations they face in finding a solution to their hospital’s unique challenges.”

The forum brings together a select group of hospital CIOs to explore answers to complicated questions, such as how real-time healthcare fits with existing health IT strategies and priorities, and what will it take to be successful.

Bernoulli will review relevant learnings from a recent pilot of continuous monitoring, as well as data from an IRB study of smart alarms for patients receiving opioids. The focus group will also explore best practices in user experience maximization, impact of these applications to drive clinical improvements and patient-centered care, and ways to leverage these trends to drive efficiency in clinical workflow.

The CHIME CIO Forum brings together health IT executives and chief information officers, is hosted by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME).

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Bernoulli CIO’s new article in Health Data Management on MDI

Bernoulli’s  CIO John Zaleski has a new article in Health Data Management on MDI. He writes: “Historically, medical device data has been isolated or trapped in silos…[but] key advances have put medical devices on the precipice of an evolutionary leap from charting and documentation to active patient monitoring and intervention.” Read the whole thing at the link below.

Health Data Management article


You can also view the recording of the Bernoulli sponsored webinar:
presented by John Zaleski, PhD, CPHIMS
Link to webinar recording & slides