
What Real-Time Data Could Have Done for These Patients

The concepts behind smart alarms and use of real-time data to make better decisions are not new. Many people have had their experiences in the field of medicine and medical informatics but not all people and organizations have acted upon these experiences. Bernoulli is one organization that has.

Bernoulli Smart Alarms & Surveillance: Applying Analytics in Real-Time Whitepaper

Research and independent findings suggest that improved surveillance and increased patient safety can be achieved through the use of continuous monitoring. Furthermore, monitoring of multiple parameters to assess their interrelationships is an important capability that Bernoulli brings through the Bernoulli One platform, as multiple independent measurements can be correlated and associated with user-defined clinically-significant criteria that, when evaluated together, can yield important early indicators of pending compromise. Click to read the Bernoulli Smart Alarms & Surveillance whitepaper.

“Smarter Alarm Management Fights Alarm Fatigue” by Bernoulli CNO Jeanne Venella published in Medscape.

Bernoulli CNO Jeanne Venella published article “Smarter alarm management Fights Alarm fatuue” in Medscape

Bernoulli Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Jeanne Venella’s discusses how providers can address the second highest-ranked patient safety risk identified in ECRI’s Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2016 and achieve compliance with the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals on clinical alarm safety.  This article describes how two different hospitals achieved their alarm management goals using both technology and interdisciplinary expertise.  To read the full article please click on this link: (free registration required).