What does the color of your website say about your company?
A Five-Part Series.
Series 1: White
by Lisa O’Keefe
I have cut the deck and will now tell you of your past, present and future health of your company based on the color, that you, not your graphic designer, have chosen.
From the deck, I can see white as your primary background color for your website. This color choice says a lot about you and the direction you are taking your company.
This color SCREAMS purity and new beginnings. It shows in the past, as well as in the present, you are not afraid to create from a blank canvas and give life to new ideas important to you and your business health. You are a person who has intense dreams and the drive to make them happen. You are a risk-taker. Someone who will set the world on fire or burn up in the process. There is no middle-ground for you.
With the color white, I see an equal balance of all the colors in the spectrum so it can possess the positive as well as the negative and can lead you in many different directions and have very different outcomes.
I see with the blank white card that you had considered surrounding the background with little else until your business grows. You must be warned that I see risk and possible death to your business if you follow this path for if it is surrounded by little else, you are creating an environment of loneliness and the website will have a feeling of concealment or secrecy. Clients and potential clients will feel isolated and empty. They will be lost in the vastness of nothing. And the brightness of the color will create a blinding sense that will shield them from your message and create pain and anguish.
The card next to this one has the large letter ‘A’ on it and an image of a joker. This represents your intent to use a large font with an animated video on the homepage. This symbolizes the bringing forward of new ideas or new products or services. A bold move for a startup that will connect well with your audience. It shows you have worth and this worth will hold power and force a seamless connectiveness with others. You have a confidence that you do not need to wow them with your product or service, although that is your intent, for you are wowing them with your charisma. People may not understand what you have to offer but they know they want to be a part of it. And you know once they try it they will bask in its wonderment.
The card overlapping this one has two images of books crisscrossing each other. This card represents a blog being added or refined on a site to symbolize a venture of longevity or a rebranding of ideas. The use of this space will draw people in further. People want to not only be connected with you because of the good energy you are projecting but they want to know more. You are growing and so is their appetite. It is your responsibility to feed them and this nourishment will pay handsomely.
Below that card is a card with an image of a photo with legs. This card represents video. There is not much else on this card. Symbolic of great simplicity and focus, it is an image of peace and cleanliness. You are into spirituality, connected with the world. This card shows the world your thought to bring forth something new in the realm of mental, physical or spiritual health.
The last card I pulled had small letters with large photos. This shows your need to present several products to others. You feel the need to showcase your entire inventory and not one select item. You are equally proud of all you have to offer. You believe in choice and freely open your portfolio for viewing. You sell products and want the emphasis to be on the product and not on the background.
So, now I will interpret all the card and tell you what I see for your future and the future of your company. Well, white is a deceiving color. Although on face value it represents peace, the future of your company utilizing this color will bring about considerable change in the next 6 months. Your company is at a state of risk. Great rewards and great losses are possible depending on which road you travel. Things right now are of a planning and revising state that requires great communication between team members. You find yourself laying out milestones and at times rethinking or revising your plans. Keep the door to communication and ideas open, act as a facilitator and not a leader and in one year you will reap the benefits.
Lisa O’Keefe
Head of Left-Brain Marketing
cellphone: (347) 292-7498