The Power of Awards
The Power of Awards!Who doesn’t love to win? It’s such a good feeling that lifts you up and motivates you to do better. It shows the world you are made of the right stuff that others will want to emulate into the future. But, as all-encompassing and great as all that...
Sameness Kills
SAME -NESS KILLS! While businesses, maybe even yours, were sharing selfies, boring photos of conferences, and photos of their food, the world changed on them. Technology has fast-forwarded to the age of the JETSONs causing people to want real information but in...
Cookie cutter sites and social media copy cats DO NOT A BRAND CREATE!
Cookie cutter sites & social media copycats DO NOT A BRAND CREATE! Brands are recognized by a distinct look. That look ties together through logos, websites, copywriting, commercials, ads, and from what the people that the business employs say. It is visual,...
Millions of children and adults around the globe have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Complications are serious and can result in not only damage to nerves and organs but can result in death. But can you imagine a day when those whose pancreas have...
Captain Kirk Boldly goes into the CryptoWorld
We all know what Actor William Shatner did for Priceline. Well now in his second push in the crypto field he may do the same for blockchain that he did for the well-known online travel site. And informed people are saying blockchain may soon become a...